Sunday, August 8, 2010

2010 Sevier Sheriff Elections Concession Remarks

With regret we have had to See Seals go back into the office of Sevier County Sheriff. According to the election commission Seals got a Whopping 9,000 vote count and I received around 2500 and Pierce received about 1000 votes. After visiting several thousand people in the County it is hard to believe he was able to get this many votes and especially with all the adverse publicity concerning hiring a convicted felon in the jail, with murders, thefts and drugs off the scale, and he was still able to get a 25% approval rating in Sevier County.

There is a lot of speculation nationally concerning the use of the electronic voting machines that are used in Sevier County and experts agree the machines can be manipulated and tampered with. In my opinion this is what had occurred in Sevier County, but I am unable to contest it and it will just have to pass. However, if I am going to concede to defeat, I am going to maximize the defeat. Seals won this election by 49,000 votes instead of 9,000 because 40,000 voters didn't show up to vote, so they approved of his election also.
Many of these 49,000  voters have to be victims of a crime due to high numbers of criminal activity in Sevier County. I guess folks just like to be victimized and it adds to the Sheriff's popularity.

To me this is probably a blessing not to win this election and I knew going into it I probably couldn't  win. I appreciate all the voters that supported me and Kim Pierce who have tried to make a difference in Sevier County. Probably the most depressing part of the defeat was being present in the courtroom during the election count where I had to witness an entourage of Seals deputies that were the most disgusting  bunch of overweight, obese, misfits I have ever witnessed in any police agency across the country. I have come to recognize the Sevier County Sheriff Department is not about professional law enforcement and service, but is still a backwoods, ineffective department that operates solely for the purpose of granting special favors to the local good ole boy establishment that in fact controls the voting in Sevier County.  This is not going to stop for a long time. I did my part and if the election is not rigged, then the majority of people that voted have elected  Seals for whatever reason. In my opinion, we can't stand another 4 years of this mess. Call me sour grape loser but it is what it is.

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